Tuesday, July 1, 2014


So I had an interview for the scribe Job yesterday.  It went well.  Still don't know the potential pay, but they do have health insurance.   Also I would mostly only support one doctor and it's in the immediate area so that's a good selling point.   However she also mentioned that he is a perfectionist and requires someone that can handle his approach ! So that sounds a bit stressful.     I have another interview today with him and the administrator.  

And to make my life more stressful. 

Another mom offered to submit my resume for an auditor position and I got a call from a recruiter for a 1.5 yr contract process improvement position making around 80 a year!  Still requires a second interview and it's about an hour away die where I live. But still there is some benefits and it's a decent pay 

After talking with my brother and getting the interview for the scribe job I thought for sure I should stick to my guns and stay on the healthcare track.   Then I picked up an MCAT book and was like Ugh.  I don't want to look at this.  So I pulled up the PA website and looked at application dates and so forth.   Then went amd looked at salary projection and trends.  60-120,000 was the range for 2012.    And I think to myself that's attainable with my current career without getting more loans and taking more time not working & stressing.  But of course it was also about the type of work and the enjoyment and the possibilities not just the money but as a 35 year old single mother I can't ignore the money!

Also PA is not what I set out to do.  I do think I would love the potential working options like I have a friend who is an NP and basically works 7-12 24 hour shifts a month but makes full-time salary.  And I could always throw in some clinic work once a week to make extra money.  Shit now even Walmart is offering healthcare clinics.  So I know I can make money and provide healthcare and still volunteer in low income clinics and work with expecting mothers so that option would still let me meet some of the goals to some extent. But I would not have left my job for a PA route.  And if I did I would have took all my classes at a community college and not left until I had a freaking acceptance. 

I am still at a flipping loss.   I am lost!!! I don't know what to do.  

1.   I could take the scribe job. 
     A. Study like crazy for MCAT , take it in August submit last minute and hope someone takes pitty on me. 
       Neg--- the scribe job won't really give me much of a boost for this option because I won't have been they long and it's so freaking hard to get into my local schools.  And I can't afford the down payments and cost to move if I got in out of state. 

     B.  I could take AP & study for GRE while working the scribe job and then apply to PA school.  Probably a pretty doable option.  
           Neg--  money and still possibly having to move 

    C.  Work. Make money. Pay bills. Get some more technical training to refresh my coding skill sets  & finish up my last 4 classes in my Software Enginnering degree to move on to higher paying jobs
          Neg-  the possible regret of not doing medicine. Even though it's not bad now, will it return in 2-3 years? 

Another interesting note about the scribe job.  The lady that interviewed me is a former scribe and was going for Medicine , then PA. But then decided just to get her masters in hospital administration because of how competitive the whole thing is.  



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Hun,

    The struggle of nontraditional students is often greater because we have to balance more things. Have faith in the process as difficult as that may be. It is always easier to dream than it is to actively pursue the thing you want the most, but in the end it will be worth it.

    The following blogs have been motivating and inspiring for me to read: http://a40yearoldmedicalstudent.blogspot.com


    Hope you find them useful.

    Good Luck,

    1. Okaaaay.. So I dont know what happened to my previous reply. But I wanted to say thank You... I appreciate your words of encouragement and links to some helpful bloggs... Best Wishes to you. :)
