Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Prayer works... ( I think)

Im back again...

So yesterday I posted about how I prayed for opportunity, clarity, guidance, patience, all of the above..

So between yesterday and today I got 3 phone calls..

1.  recruiter for a potential 6+ month contract job paying about 40$/hr
2.  staffing recruitor from my old job about an interview, and submitting my name for another job
3.  The scribe manger offering me the job that I interviewed for a couple weeks ago...

I sit here with my mind in a blank...

WTH am I supposed to do..?  

Do I take the scirbe job?  keep going after the goal.  put off applying to med school for one year and retake MCAT and take A&P & GRE for possible NP/PA option as an alternative?

Or wait to see if the other jobs will pan out, and just go back to work.


With all this good news I should be happy, but I cant see past the confusion.

Getting into med school is hard
Getthing through med school is hard
Getting out of medschool is hard
Finding & completing residencies is hard

Taking a job in my old field is easy...

Not taking the scribe job does not make it impossible to go to medschool... I could still take IT job, and volunteer on the weekends, retake MCAT, and apply next year...  But I am about 65% sure that if I go back to work, especially at the higher end I have a shot at getting,  I will just get comfortable again and not go after it.  ( i think)

I need someone to tell me what to do. 


  1. Go with what's guaranteed. If one of the offers is definite and you can prepare for med school while doing it, then that's the better choice. It really all boils down to forgetting your fears and following your gut. Wishing you the best in whatever route you choose.
