Monday, August 4, 2014

So about that...

Well as I sit outside the building during the break of my scribe job orientation I thought I should drop a quick update. 

Not a lot of time so I will keep it short. 

I'm. Not giving up.

Got the scribe job
Got a job working at my daughters studio
Still doing my cleaning job 

Going to retake MCAT
And going to take GRE 
Going to take AP I & II

Then going to apply to PA, med school, and NP programs.

Putting off apps till next year to get the scribe exp on resume and take the AP and retake of MCAT.  

It's going to work out somehow 

Back inside 


  1. I'm very happy to hear that my sister. Believe it or not you have total strangers that are rooting for you! Stay strong and take care!

    Kay :-)

  2. YAY!!!!!!!

    Make a goal, Set a plan, execute said plan. Good Luck.
    well wishes,

    1. Thanks Andie... I need to sit down and re-do my plan, to refer to when things get a little stressful.
