Friday, August 15, 2014


First I want to say thank you to all those who had encouraging words for me through out my personal confusion... I appreciate it!

Ok...  So I need to focus up and put my updated plan in place. 

Where am I now.

There is not a lot going on here,   I still need to find a way to get in A&P I -II to keep my PA/NP route open.   I was informed of a online option that offers labs, but I need to email some PA schools to see if they are accepted.

Also.. I had basically stopped working on that research project, until I get an email on Monday asking me if I could have some work done by this Saturday.   Unfortunatly I have not been able to work on it and today is Friday.  With work at the Dr. Office & a couple days at the studio and my cleaning job I have just been exhausted and not very motivated.

I tried to start looking at some articles today only to find out my school library access is not working, so I have to depend on journals and articles that are open source.

Looks like this is going to consume my entire Saturday :(


It has been a bit ruff.  The training program was a bit not existent, and the office that I am going to be working in has a bit of drama going on prior to my arrival.  I have already had 3 meetings with managers about this.   So the persnickty-ness of the doctor and the drama with the nurse along with the stress of trying to learn this new approach in a busy office environment is pretty stresfull.  
And then having to wait 3 weeks for a pay check with school starting and dance starting is driving a bit cray cray...
But I will move forward... this too shall pass

Not a lot going on here.  I have been getting in at least 3-4 workouts per week ( 5;30 am) in so I am very proud of that.  I am hoping I can maintain that when school starts.

she is doing good... I think she is ready for school and dance to start back up, she has been stuck at the house for a while...

she is out to a movie tonight while I am at starbucks... 
her friends mom...  is a Lawyer who also had a career change and she was telling me her story, so that was pretty encouraging...

speaking of which I need to leave to go pick her up..

more later..

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