Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The struggle is real...

So I am going to do my best to not ramble on but stick to the script....  Le go..

- Not a lot here.. did not sign up for any classes.
- I still need to email PA school to see if those online AP classes are acceptable.
- The lady from the NP program I talked to calls me once a week to see if i have registered for one of the online classes she recommended...   I think I can probably at least sign up for the nutrition class it should transfer anywhere..
- I have been doing work on that research project, moving slower than expected, but I met with that grad student last weekend and forced him to actually answer some dang questions...

Scribe job.... today was ruff..    I am trying my best to hang on there.  I am getting better at the job, but sometimes its hard to see the silver lining.  They also just started a new policy were you have to get approval and fill out some stupid form and FAX it if you clock in/out 7 mins before or after your set schedule...  Who in the H E double hockey sticks thought this crap up..   Its a freaking clinic  so anytime the doc wants to start early or clinic runs late I have to send an email AND fax a dang form.   So far the policy has been in effect since 8/18/14 ( ~ 15 days)  I have had 7 instances where I had to request approval.  And if you have 5 or more occurrences without approval. you get fired...

anyway so thats that...

the second job at the studio is going ok...

my 3rd job is basically standard issue.. Its not much but that change really helps me get through the 2 week pay cycle.  My first check was basically spent the day it hit the bank.   My second check is going to be just as bad.  My kid has about 300 bucks of dance stuff that she is required to have by next week...

anywhoo.. enough of that

the plan...
So I still don't know if I will apply to the 2 schools.  Its mainly a money issue right now.  At a minimum it would be around 250 to do the two schools.   I also have NO personal statement complete.  And after October its probably a waste of money to apply.

I think I am going to have to put off registering for the MCAT until my 3rd paycheck on the 20th or something.  I still have not began to even considering studying for that.

I still need to look into voluneering at some point.  I have gone almost a year without some volunteer work.  I just don't know when I will have the time.  I am already signed up for some parent volunteer work at my kids school.  Too bad that does not count...

the kid
she is doing pretty good so far.
She made the dance company at her school
she is auditioning a couple of numbers she choreographed for the student chreography show hope she makes that.
Competitive dance is back in full swing.  and she is a teacher assitant this year.  she she has a busy schedule...

my life
my work outs have dropped to basically non-existent since school started.  And I know it is affecting my mood.  Its just so hard to get up @ 5am now for some reason, and I have to come back to the house to get my kid and take her back to the other side of town, then return to this side for work.  I use about 8$ in gas per day to make the 2 round trips.
But the sad part is... the gas is not my true reason.   Its all me.  Once i miss a day or two its like a domino effect.  before you know it I have not hit the gym in 2 months...
But I will get back on it.. I will not go back to my regular size scrubs.   My new pair will be an even smaller size than the ones I got in the summer...  :)

Ok.. I am going to try and go to bed so I can try and get to the gym in the morning..

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