Thursday, February 13, 2014

mushy brain

My brain is so full of thoughts, fears, worries, decisions, frustrations... everything..    And sometimes  I just want to go to sleep.

so...  this semester is kind of blah so far.

- I have had my first test in both Plant Science & Animal Physiology.   I don't know my Plant Science yet, we just took it a couple days ago, but I am 100% sure there is room for improvement.   I didn't study enough.   I am not a huge fan of the topic so trying to read through and learn 7 chapters and remember the lifecycles and tissue names, and all the other stuff was torture.   I am going to try and study each chapter in detail and enter it into quizlet immedietly after we go over it in class.  Then go back to quizlet a week before the test and review.   Her test are actually pretty fair.  So I think that would be sufficient enough to get an A. 

Animal Phys test was also pretty fair, but he said it was not typical of all his test, and its worth lest.  I ended up being 2 points from an A, so I am going to have to work my butt off for the next tests.

The Animal lab is horrible.  The teacher post like 100 documents and info on blackboard, but does not tell you what to actually use for what.   And when you get to the lab the equiptment doesnt work, and everyone is just running around like chicken's with their heads cut off.

Plant phys lab is more structured and by the book.  So in this class its just about doing all my required reading before lab, completing all the pre-lab stuff, and keeping my lab notebook up to par.  I just have to put in the time.

The bio labs I TA in on tue/thur night are going ok.  I think I just hate being at school till 9pm. 

I still have not started working in the Genomics lab.  I have contacted the guy I am supposed to work with and he keeps blowing me off.   I hate to go to the professor, but I may have to.  I refuse to get halfway through the semester, and he accuses me of not putting any effort to get to work.

I have also not returned to the clinic.   Every Tue/Thur  I am trying to get in some school work in those couple hours before class starts.   M/W/F I am at work during the day, I am going to have to get in more school work in the evening time.   I can see myself falling behind

Every now and again... I think about hanging up my med school aspirations at the end of the semester.

I got an email from  they are having another conference.  I have been to 2 of them and they are always very informational and motivational.   This one is going to be in DC.  I looked at the prices and I could get down there & stay for 3 days for about 600 bucks. ( plus tax & food).  

I think I am going to consider it.   I may wait until after I get my scores back  and decide then.

Back to the books...

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