Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Decsions Being Made

So I decided to go ahead and submit the app for the local Post-bacc program.

The deadline is March 15 so I have about 12 business days to get everything in.  The rec letters are electronic, the MCAT is via email, and one of the transcripts is electronic.  All thats left is to mail in my payment, and two of my school transcripts have to be mailed.  They are both in Texas and the request were submitted today before 5 so I am comfortable there is enough chance they can make it on time.

My only concern is that I reused a lot of the material from my previous application.  I still felt the same about my answers so I decided to go with them.   It may hurt me, but I was kind of in a rush to get it done.   I updated the information that was necessary and just went with what I had.

Why did I go ahead and apply after going back and forth on the issue?  With the release of my MCAT scores I knew I was limited in my options, and instead of just giving up I felt like I really wanted to give this try all I had. This program is teamed up with my most ideal med school choice, with cost, location, and reputation so I don't think it would hurt me, and the application with fees and transcripts only totaled about 80$.  I figured the chance was worth it.

I am still concerned about not working a full-time job for another year if I get accepted.  And of course there is the chance that I still wont get into there medical school.  And its another year not paying on school loans (INTEREST!!!!)

If I hear a "No"  back from them soon,  I am going to go ahead and register for calculus and Anatomy & Physiology at the community college and look into the GRE to open up options for the PA and Nurse Practitioner routes.    I think those program application due dates are in the Fall so I can continue to look for work in the mean time.

Speaking of work, still applying...  I am starting to think maybe my scribe job is giving bad feedback on me because I gave a 45 day notice instead of a 60 day, and because I only stayed 9 months instead of 1 year.   Because I cant imagine why I have not gotten one call back, I mean seriously the latest application was to work the ticket counter at a movie theater.  A high school diploma was not even a qualification!!!    so frustrating...

One more thing...  I finally stopped by the professors office who is letting me work in his lab... he is going to let me work on a data project that I think will be a good fit with me given my previous experience.  He even said I could be listed on the paper if it gets published... that is pretty awesome...   Also I want to look into that area as a potential niche that I could also look into as a career.   Combining my previous careers with my new biology would be a good alternative if the Medschool doesn't pan out...

I think I am going to go ahead and start working on my Med school application Essay. I am going to go ahead and apply to a limited number of schools in June, see if I get any interviews.  Who knows maybe someone may decide I am worth a deeper look.

the rest of life is moving along I guess.   I dont see my trainer anymore, budget doesnt allow for it.  I am still trying to get into the gym at least 4 times a week though. 

My little one won another scholarship at a dance convention this weekend, was super proud of her.  There competition season starts up in a few weeks, looking forward to seeing them onstage.

I guess that's about it...  For Now

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