Friday, May 3, 2013

[Insert Awesome tittle here]

I have a few random things I  have on my mind, but not sure if they all really tie together.  So I am just going to Go Random today... :)

Thought 1:

Sometimes its really hard to explain to some friends and family how laborious and lengthy the medical school process is, especially as a post-baccalaureate.   You cant just be like,  oh I want to be a doctor, then go sign up at the local university for "doctor school" and then your Dr. So and So in 4 years.

It can get a bit frustrating at times, because you want them to understand and support you, but sometimes I feel like I come off as a d-bag when I am trying to explain it.  LOL

Ex.1  My mom who watches my daughter for me, when I have to work nights, was talking to me the other morning when I got home from work.  I was telling her about class starting next week and how my schedule will change, and all this stuff.

And she goes.   So are you going to go ahead and be a Scribe or a Doctor? 

My face O_O    WTH!!!!  I didn't even know how to respond to that...  I distinctly remember explaining this process to her before, but for some reason, she thinks I am in "Dr. School" or something I don't know... but its just... . SOB... I just want to be like, you know what.. Never mind...  We will have this conversation again in 8 years, and you can ask me if I am a doctor yet.. LOL

Ex 2.  There is this really nice janitor guy at the hospital, always says hello and is very nice.  And for some reason, ever time he sees me.  "are you a doctor yet?"   "you only got like 2 years right?"

once again O_O  I don't know how to respond, so I just laugh and say.  "not yet!"  and I know he is just being nice, and supportive.  But I have no idea how to respond to these questions and not sound like a a-hole.

Ex 3. (last example)  when people are like.  "What do you do"  
  Even in my old job this was a hard question, now its even more complicated.  So usually I say, I work at a hospital as a Scribe, going back to school to finish up a BS in Biology all so I can apply to medical school.

at this point I get varying facial expressions and responses/follow up questions. 
The hardest to answer are.

1. "So what are you going to do"
 - in my mind, I'm like, is what I just told you not enough... I DONT KNOW... first let me get up in there. LOL..
- in reality  I know everyone does not know the process, and I don't really want to go through the entire process, because in reality "Ain't nobody got time for that!"  and they really don't want to know.   So I just usually say well I am hoping to go in to Maternal Fetal Medicine.

2. "So you are going to be a nurse or something?"
- in my mind... im like WTH dude... did I say I was going to  Nursing School?!?!? ...
- in reality but once again, people really don't know the process, and I hate to say
"No, I want to be a doctor", because I feel like I am saying nursing is not good enough. LOL..  I know that's stupid, but its just how my mind works.  I usually just use the same response from #1, and le them infer from there. LOL

3. "What school are you applying to?"
- in my mind   wherever they accept me, I am ALL IN...  I have to make this happen.. LOL
- in reality -  Its not really that easy, to get into the 1 school you want when they have 20,000 applications against your 1, and they are only accepting 100 students.  But you kind of seem like prick when you try to break down the medical school statistics to a person, who has no interest in applying, they were just having a conversation with you. So I go to my standard response of  "I would ideally like to be accepted into the local med school, because I familiar with the area, we have  a decent cost of living, my lil one has family and familiarity,  and its a good affordable school".

Thought 2

I will be turning 34 in a couple months...  I am not sure how I feel about that.  I think sometimes I wish I would have been brave enough to make this decision to leave and go at this full-time back in 07. I would have been well on my way to graduating and heading into residency.   Now I am getting a little scared about my age, and being in class.  But if things go well, I will still be less than 40 when I am in residency, and people are doing AMZING challenging things at that age.

Thought 3

Would I still go down this road if I won or randomly came across 5 million dollars?
Yep, I would!  It would be super awesome, because it would be so much easier because I wouldn't have to worry about financial restrains that I have to worry about now.

Would I do it if I won 220 million dollars???   that I don't know. 

Well..  I think I have typed plenty for the day,   I was going to talk about a special project I am working on for my daughters room, but I think I will just wait until its finished and put up some progress pictures, help me to appreciate it.. :)

1 comment:

  1. I understand. All those questions, I've had it asked to me. So frustrating.

    I'm glad i found your blog. This is not an easy journey and self-doubt can arise.It keeps me motivated to push through with my pursuit of a medical career.
