Thursday, May 16, 2013

Day 2 done...

I originally planed to make this note on Friday, since it would be the end of the first week of class, but I got a lot of crap to do tomorrow, and this may not get done if I wait.   And goodness knows it does not take long for details to leave my brain.

So got through first two days of my 4 hour Evolution and Ecology class, I didn't even fall asleep after working my 6p-4a shift .  (thank you red bull)  :)

Also the teacher does a pretty good job of mixing up lecture, videos, and class participation.

It's also a pretty interesting topics. Today there was a bit of material about how Darwin and a couple of other scientist reconciled their religious beliefs with their scientific education.  This has always been an interesting topic, growing up southern Baptist, basically every thing was "Gods Plan" if something good happens "God is blessing you"  if something bad happens "Its God's will".  Man started as dust, and women came from his rib.  It can sometimes be a challenge to learn more and still maintain the blind faith, I am always trying to find my balance.

I even joined a study group, which unfortunately since this is a 2 week course they plan to meet every day, so I have to cut an extra couple of hours from my sleep time  (boo)...  BUT I was able to get a trade for one of my shifts, so I only have to work a couple more weekday shifts during the next two weeks, the others are on the weekend.

Next week is going to be a bit cray cray...  J gets out at noon every day, which means I am going to have to hall tail to get to class on time and she has recital Monday-Thursday EVERY night starting at 5, which means I will have to hall tail back to get there in time for custom change. Thankfully mom is going to drop her off for me.   We also have 1 of our 2 major test on Wed so I am definitely going to have to utilize the study group, don't see a lot happening during the evening.


Ughh.. so this is a major rollercoaster as always.  Last couple of shifts were stressful.  My next couple of shifts are with docs I have worked well with before, so I hope they go well.

I don't think I am going to apply for any more on-campus jobs until Fall starts, I think it will be too much to try and do that in the summer and try and get these grades.

Got to seem something cool yesterday at work, so in Texas we had some bad tornadoes yesterday and there were multiple casualties and injuries.   Well apparently the Metroplex just commissioned themselves the first Med bus in the area.  Its basically an ambulance the size of a greyhound bus that can transport anywhere from 17 - 21 patients. It was pretty darn neat.

The Plan

Still plan to call the post back program to get a application review, see what I need to do to possibly improve my chances of getting accepted into the program, if I decide to go that route

Trying to do a few things to really take a look at the PA route, not that I want to do it, but that if I decide I definitely do not want to do it , I want to say I really looked into and gave it a fair shot.

I shadowed a nurse practitioner at work for a couple visits,  even though that's not really an option for me, I just wanted to see how she works.   I also have had a few trauma experiences with some trauma service and surgical PAs at the hospital.   So far the PEX and HPI portion they seem to be similar as docs.   I think the true difference is the way the process that information, and what decisions they get to make and task they get to do.  

I usually only see those guys during traumas so I don't really get to ask them questions.  Also they don't usually have a face that says , sure "come talk to me"

My Rug Rat

Unfortunately she does not really poses the academic drive that I hope she would as far as expecting high grades for herself.  She kind of wants to just get through.

She is driving me cray cray  its finals time, and I feel like I have to pull fingernails to get her to work hard and really do a comprehensive study plan.  I know this is all new to her but its still so frustrating because I will not do it for her, she has to make that choice.

Also we still have not finalized the school thing for next year.  I turned in our intent to leave from her current school and the director called me and encouraged me to reconsider.

I really love the school, and I know it offers so many opportunities she may not have access to at other schools.

Last week, I was so proud of her, she had talent day where she choreographed a routine for her and a friend.   And on that same day she opened the Recognition ceremony with her own choreographed number and participated in several other group numbers to which she also contributed to creatively.

She has really grown so much in that area, and I am sure spending more time doing dance has impacted her available time to put in 110% in academics.  She did make honor roll the first 2 quarters, but did not in the last.    I am kind of torn on the issue.  Of coarse I want her to make the most of her academic education and make the grades.   But she is also very good at dance, and if she would just stop being so lazy and trying to take the easy way out, she could do both very well.  

When I stay on her about her homework, organization, studying for quizzes, studying for test she maintains A's.  But when I try and let her take the wheel she falls off.    I have seen a major shift when my schedule changed and I was not at home much in the evenings.  My mom doesn't stay on her like I do.   That really makes me feel like I am failing her as a parent.  But in the same breath she has got to be more responsible and start making smart choices on her own.

When I was young I don't remember my mom EVER looking at my work, or helping me study, or checking my grades.   She looked at the report card every week and if I had my As and Bs she as good.

I told her that if she makes more than 1 C or anything below that this year, she will not be dancing next year.  I hate to take it away, but she has to recognize that dance is a privilege and "extra" curricular. 

If I have to enforce that it is really going to suck, because I have already paid for multiple classes during the summer for dance, and dance camp. So I really hope she can get her crap together.  

She basically only has finals left which is her last opportunity to make the grade.  She is not failing anything now, but if she gets low final scores, it will  get her close to having C's if not a D or 2.   It would really break my heart to take it away from her.   But she has to learn sometime.

ok enough about that...

Nothing here really, not a lot of time for too much.  However I did go to see Iron Man 3 it was AWESOME.   Also went to see Pain and Gain, that was a very interesting movie.

I have fallen off Gym attendance this week,  I wanted to get an extra few hours of sleep, and on days that I don't drop off at school, I really have a hard time making myself go.   I am my own worst enemy. 

I plan on going tomorrow, especially since I have to drop off.

Wow,  I have really just let loose today...

Guess I better go to bed, so I can get up and go to gym, make it to study group, and not fall asleep in class.  
We also have to go get banquet dress tomorrow.   I sure miss having my weekends.   But it will all be worth it in a few years. :)

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