Sunday, March 10, 2013

Without Title

So... I couldn't think of a title today, my mind is kind of going in a  few different ways...  SO I decided to not force it to choose one. :)

School -
Summer schedule of classes is still not up, and I still don't know what is going to happen with financial aid.   so really no change here

Work -
1.  I have had some really good solo shifts.  My last 2 where with a REALLY cool doctor. She is new to my hospital, but has been practicing for a bit. She is total Cray Cray...  in a good way.  She makes me laugh, is very cool, and after our shift ended this morning she told me I could Scribe for her anytime!!!...  She also gave me a fist bump at the beginning of the shift when she found out I was her scribe for the night.  That really made me feel good.

I also found out at least 3 of the docs are single moms!!!  that was very encouraging.

2. I found out 2 of the students in my scribeU class, who both happen to be sitting on either side of me in training are no longer scribes O-O   I was like OMG... that's cray cray.  I was sorry to hear that, they were both really nice, but I guess when the trainer said there are people that don't pass training, or don't last as scribes she meant it.

I know I am not totally out of the woods yet.  I have not worked with some of the more fast paced docs, yet so I still have to watch my growth, and speed.

But I am feeling more confident in my abilities.

"The Plan"

still mostly on track.  I am supposed to start my official MCAT study plan on Monday, but I have to travel out of town to go help my brother out, after I get off work Monday morning, and then come back that night, before my shift Tuesday morning. So I really don't see any studying getting done on Monday.  But I will try and do double time after my shift on Tuesday.  Also I am off on Wed/Thur so I will try and make sure I am caught up then.

My Rug rat -

She is doing well, they are on Spring Break now,  so she gets a break from school kind of, she still has homework over spring break, but not a super bunch.

Also I need to get her an audition tape together.  I just found out this weekend that Joffrey Ballet school is having an intensive here in our area, but we have missed all the state auditions, but we can still send in a video audition.  I am going to try and get the lady who helped with her school auditions to see if they can help make a video.

Life -
 Not a lot going on here,  kind of battling some feelings.  I have had a couple of dreams about asking my old boss to get some part time work.   I think the change is starting to become more apparent.  The different schedule, the needing to study.   Before everything was just easy and laid out, and predictable.  I worked my M-F 40-50 hours, got my pay check, paid my bills, did Jordyns stuff, read a bunch a books, and just waited for the next week to come.

Now I work random hours, I have a mountain load of material to study, just to get into a very hard program.  I have to depend on my mom for help, I have to balance resources and wants vs. needs.  Its not the easy, predictable life it was.  And the truly hard work, has not even really started.

Also I got some family needing some support 2 hours away and I don't have the time and financial support I had before, so I am trying to find the best way to work that situation.

So long story short, change is hard, and I think I am just going through some adjustment anxiety.

I still don't regret my choice, I know I can still make it happen.

I am going to try and sneak in one more book reading for pleasure, before I am only studying.  My lil one is with grandma, and I don't have work till 9pm tonight so I am going to read for the rest of the day.

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