So I am halfway through week one...
according to plan I have should have done some pre-reading for A&P & some MCAT ochem.
I am a bit off track. I did get my book access, but I have found it is virtually impossible to study at home. And unfortunately the school and local libraries have limited hours.
The school library close at 10 pm Monday - Thursday , close at 6 Fri & Sat, and are not even open on Sundays.
There are no libraries near me that have good hours. they are all closed between 6 - 7 with no Sunday hours. This is going to be a problem. Sunday I have the most time to make progress and I have to have a table and controlled environment to really make the most of that time.
Also, the one hour for pre-read is not going to be enough time, but I am not sure where I am going to get the extra time. I am thinking of just asking for Monday & Wednesday off instead of going to work after class.
I also need to look into finding supplemental material from the Biochem/Psych section. I am going to try to just use the MCAT topic guide in conjuction with Khan academy & google to look up things up that I do not know.
With all theses things in mind, I need to update my detail plan.
We do not start class until 1/20/15,
I mis-labeled my GRE sections,
and I need to add Biochem to MCAT study
I also don't think I like my week starting with Sunday.
Overall some progress has been made but not nearly enough. I am going to have to step my game up and learn how to disengage and buckle down.
I am going to pack my GRE math in my bag and hit some of that up during work tomorrow evening. I need to find a way to measure progress on my studying. I think I will use the official testing guides of both test and count the topics, split them evenly, and track completion that way.
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