Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4th of July!!!

So while trying to fit in a bit of studying for my final on Monday before I head to work, I decided to make a pit stop and jot down some thoughts...

I downloaded the blogger app on my phone so I could make smaller post whenever  a few things came to my mind...  but I have not really been doing that lately.

I had a plan to do it yesterday while waiting for J to get out of dance camp, but one of the moms got all Chatty Kathy with me so I ended up not posting.    So usually I sit outside in the car when I am waiting because:
1. The couple of studios we have danced at don't have the best set up for more than a couple of parents at a time.
2. I would usually rather read, do homework, or watch a TV episode on my phone than have a conversation that will be interesting for the first 2 minutes then slowly dissolves into moms subconsciously (I hope) attempting to one up each other.

So yesterday, I was actually in the studio because this studio that she happens to be taking a camp at has a very nice set up with couches, tables, TVs, and Game systems.  So I went in to do a little studying while I wait.   Then here comes a mom asking me random questions, come to find out she is from the studio we are currently at, and left on bad terms.  Ugh awkward conversation

ANYWHO...  my point, I need to start using my app to jot down small things, instead of trying to fit all I can remember between post into one. 

For today, I think I am going to do random thoughts that have been on mind and then updates.

Random thoughts.
WTH is up with grocery prices, man I go for 1 week of food mostly for the Kid and I am spending like 80 to 90 bucks,  and it still seems like I don't have everything I need.   Sometimes it seems like it would be cheaper to just eat out more.  ( not like super expensive places, but subway and taco bell)

I HATE the mouse pad on laptop,  It never R click or L click when I need it to, and it randomly throws me to various places on the screen when I am typing ( I assume I am grazing it with my thumb) , but I don't want to disable it because it does wore pretty well for scrolling... Ugh

My SPELLING sucks... I guess I was ruined by MS Office and the red underline, but some docs I work with stand over my shoulder when I type and so I don't really get the time to think about what I am writing or look up new med terms/medications really quick on Google and I look like a total dumbA$$!!! 
I need to find some online program to practice.

- work is cool, picked up a couple of extra shifts this month because some of our old scribes are leaving/have left and apparently a new scribe or 2 decided this wasn't going to work out for them, so I decided to take one for the team and pick up a couple where I could.   I don't really want to jeopardize my study time, but I could also use the extra money.
I have not really seen anything really cool or impressive yet, unfortunately I really couldn't actually say if I did... :(

- school is also cool, have my Biostats final on Monday , I have a good chance of maintaining the A. I am trying to fit in a few hours between my weekend shifts to make sure I am comfortable with the material.   
Brain and Behavior starts Tuesday, looking forward to that.  I am hoping my book gets here on time.  I checked the delivery status and apparently it made it to the local USPS yesterday.  I should definitely have it by Tuesday.

I guess that's enough for today...

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