Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Dangerous situations

So I am writing this post outside a convenience store @ 0215 (2:15am). And then it comes to me WTH are you doing this how people get robbed/killed.

-----  ok so I am back. ---- 
It's now 2:45 am and I have made it to 24 hr Fitness

I have a few things I wanted to say but they are not organized in my brain so I think I am going I go with my "subject area " post today so I don't ramble.

----- ok so it actually like a day and a half later,  I found it very difficulty to try and type on my iPhone while on the elliptical machine.  I actually hate not finishing a post because there are so many things that I don't end up saying, either because I forget, or I think it through and decide not to post it.

-   I have gotten off like 1 - 2 hours early my last 4 shifts so that's pretty awesome.   

Things are pretty much the same. Tonight was pretty busy. Not a lot of pts just complex cases that require a lot of back and forth and we moved pretty quickly from room to room

I put in my availability for September and it looks like they are going to have me working mostly weekend because I was only available like 1 or 2 time slots during the week.  I also requested no more than 10 shifts.  I got a bit worn out this summer and I only did on avg 2 -3 shifts a week. (sometimes more)

- so this is going ok.  I basically just try to get from one test to the next.  
- registered for the fall still have not been able to get into human anatomy class looks like I am stuck with the micro class I have now.  
The plan 
-  I plan to register for MCAT this week

Also,  I think I continue to learn more that makes me more comfortable with my decision to not go directly for PA school.  The new PA who was a previous scribe, talks to me sometimes about how things are going for themselves and just based off the way I think, and how much information and understanding I like to have to feel comfortable in what I do, I think it would be a very stressful job for me in the first few years. 

I know I still won't know a lot as a intern, but you have an additional 1 - 2 years of training and seeing just different examples of different things.   Let me emphasize I DO NOT think that PA's are incapable or bad or anything like that.   I only feel for myself I want a deeper more specific knowledge base so I can work more complicated scenarios.

** update**  so while reading through this so I can actually publish (2 days later) , I decided to go ahead and register for the MCAT so I can add it as a milestone to today's post.  But for some freaking reason, they only available test dates are August and September.  O_O  WTH!!!.   You cant tell me all the January - March slots are taken.   I need to get into the January slot so I can I have my Scores available for the Medical Science program.  

And of course there is no number to call, and it is not answered in the FAQ.   This is stressing me out. I kind of want to skip class now and figure it out, but I didn't go yesterday.   Arggh...

**** 2nd UPDATE ( 5 mins after publishing)   I AM an IDIOT!!!!*****
so apparently 2014 dates are not listed yet, and for some unknown reason, I forgot January marks the beginning of the new year.. LOL ...   well at least I know I need to keep my eyes out for the new 2014 schedule guess I will follow them on twitter.. :)  Gotta love social media... great for my forgetfulness.

I did however end up ordering an MCAT book with 146 questions and explanations .  Time for me to get on this.  This is the year!!!

My rug rat 
So she is doing pretty well.  With a summer full of dance and then off to a two week away dance camp on Sat. 

She is mostly ready for upcoming school year.  She is moving to a new dance studio and school again this year but she is really excited about both.

Ugh... this is consumed with the above.  I keep trying to do better at working out, and getting out, but I have not.
I am reading a new release of one of my favorite books.  I have to be careful, because I have to make sure I don't neglect my class reading, because I can read a good book for 24 hours straight... LOL.

ok.. I gotta go to class, there are few things I wanted to jot down, but I don't want to wait another day to publish...

Monday, July 29, 2013

3 down 1 to go

Well kind of.  2 to go if I didn't do well on #3

So I took test #3 today.   Not sure how it went.  I studied pretty hard but I don't think enough.  I think I need I get to a deeper level of understanding by Friday and then spend the weekend getting in and understanding the differences between the information in each chapter and the similarities.  If it was just vocabulary and basic knowledge I would probably be ok. 

But I think i get hit in some of the application because two things could be similar but one could inhibit / activate one smaller/different pathway. 

Any who I only work Monday and then in off until Friday so I am going to try really hard to try for a hundred in test 4.  If I get an A on this one from today and then 100 on Test 4 I can get out of the final.  

---- so apparently I didn't publish this post earlier and I am too lazy to ready through and see if I had a thought to finish.   I have another unrelated post ---

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Untitled ...mysterious or lazy

So I have been sitting in the break room at work because the ED is slow and they apparently told my doc to come in later.   
I get paid for doing nothing

I most likely won't be going home early because we are starting late

We are going to be working super hard for the time we are here to make up for starting late

I would have totally rather used my extra time sleeping since I worked the 6p shift last night 

I don't have my study material so I am wasting time watching TV

Something is rancid in the fridge and Someone is opening it every 10 mins.  


Friday, July 26, 2013


I keep falling asleep while I am trying to study so I decided to give up, but now I feel awake.   I am going to set my alarm for 8am and just get back at it in the morning.   I have to work tomorrow 6p -3a and Sun 9a -7p.  I think I will probably get a couple hours in on Sunday night and then just head to school early on Monday and study and read the chapter we will be going over in class after the test.  

No use in keep looking at it now and not really learning anything.  I should not have had a drink at dinner.  They always make me sleepy. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Man I'm tired

So I got off an hour early tonight 2a instead of 3.  So that's always awesome.  I am really tired this week and I don't know why.  I starred a multi-vitamin this weekend and it feels like its doing the opposite of what I want it to do. I even got the one with Iron even though it gives me stomach aches and headaches. I was hoping I could find mor energy to fit more things in. 

Anywho.  So they are getting another PA who was also a previous scribe.  That's pretty cool to see they maintain a good relationship.  I'm still not thinking of taking the PA route yet.  

Ok. Guess I should stop blogging and drive home.  This is a good opportunity to get some sleep and wake up an extra hour early to get some reading in. :p

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Not to bad

So I got a 95.  1.5 of those points were from the short answer extra credit at the end of class. 

I had to study very hard to get that grade.  I guess I am just going to have to stay on it.   I have 5 shifts this week. I don't know how I am going to make this happen.  I also skipped class today. I was tired and didn't really feel like driving over. 

But did I study or read.  No.  I went to see the Conjuring.  It wasn't too bad.  

I will get on it tonight though.  (The studying). --- after my 6p - 3a shift

Monday, July 22, 2013


So this test felt a lot better as I was taking it. I don't think I mad a 100% but I am hoping its an A.  There are only 45 questions , so 2 or 3 wrong answers take you out of the running pretty quick.  They are supposed to be offering a couple of 1pt bonus questions after class.  And hopefully there will be a few points given for problems where over half the class got it wrong. 

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Feeling Gulity

So I am feeling a little guilty.  I am leaving work a little over 2 hours early.  The doc I was working with asked me when I worked again.  And was like Monday but i have 3 shifts in a row, which sucks because I have to get in 4 chapters and test studying.  And she was like, I don't know how you guys scribe and go to school full-time.   You should just go home so you can study.  O_O.  I was like oh.  I'm good , and then I tried to steer away from the leaving and just talk about how I liked the class and so on. She was like oh no, you go study. I was a Dr. for 25yrs without a scribe I can mange.  Lol. So needles to say I was like Okay.  Thanks. :). 

One more reason to make an A on the test so I can, let her know. She helped me out  :)

I have been studying, but I never know if its enough based on the last test.  I am going to keep at it till Monday.  

Thursday, July 18, 2013

This is salvagable

So they finally posted the scores.  79!!!   OMG...   The good thing is the drop the lowest of this five. 

And this WILL BE my lowest.   So today and yesterday, I didn't go to class, I thought I would try the self study instead of wasting 2 hours in class +1 hour travel time for them to read charts directly from the book.

** actually the above statement is only kind of true... on Tuesday I was so bummed out about my test, I decided to boycott on the way to class ( had my books and everything) and decided to go see Pacific Rim, which was FRICKIN awesome by the way.  

But then I felt super guilty, and read/studied for like 4 hours today before I had to go to work.

I don't think I will skip class anymore.  .. It actually takes FOREVER to get through a freaking chapter and take detailed notes, and I get a little bored with that.  Also I am afraid I am going to miss something when I miss class.

So I will be returning tomorrow, and they are going over Exam I so I have to see what the deal is there.

I also have to  put in some overtime reading this weekend, because I have 4 night shifts next week, so I will basically have no time to study except before class.

I also have to find a regular time to get to the gym.... Ugh...  you would think things would be more simple not having a full time job,  but it seems like I have more things to do.

I tried running again this morning, and my hip started hurting immediately, so I walked and rode the stationary bike which are both hella boring,  So I have to find some alternative for that, since my work schedule makes me miss my hip-hop class this week and next week.  :(

Well its 2:30 am, and I just got home from work.  I need to go to sleep so I can wake up.. go to gym, go grocery shopping, and then head to library for some pre-class studying.

I will make a Frickin A in this class
I will work out at least 4 times this week

I said it and therefore it WILL BE.


Monday, July 15, 2013

Well that sucked

So the test today did not go well. I don't know what was going on there.  I felt like all my studying was useless.   I am really going to have to re-evaluate my study strategy for this class.  At least they drop the lowest exam grade, but that also means I have to take the Frickin comprehensive final.  (Booooo). So my day has been sucky, since then.  I was not quite ready to end my A streak.  

Also I hate classes with no homework.  You don't get an idea of how they test or what's important.  And you don't get any cushion points.    140+ pages of content with 48 questions on the exam??!?!?  You have memorize everything and hope it's relevant. 

It's amazing the ups and down from one day to the next.   I stopped by the cupcake store to by a couple cup cakes and stopped by the bar for a drink.   I think I am handling stress in a negative way.   Story of my life.   :P


Sunday, July 14, 2013

Guess I shouldn't complain.

So...  Today is the day I was complaining about in my last post.  Actually the shift turned out pretty well, I think I have found the best way to have a good shift with the doc I had.  I also got to see my fave doc and wish her a happy vaycay and I got off work an hour and half earlier.  

Also... I was able to get in some studying between pts.  I feel really good about my test tomorrow.  

Annnnddddd.  One of the nurses , has a daughter who went through Scribe U recently and working at a hospital out of state.  On her first day she saw 2 chest tubes and a Pelvic exam of a 300lb woman with and an STD...!!!   And the Cheif Scribe passed out on one of the chest tubes. Then halfway through the shift the ER doc (only 1 doc from 1pm - 1am) gets a call that his 2 young daughters were in an accident and intubated on the scene and he immediately falls to his knees screaming and crying and then to the floor. All the pts came out looking and asking questions.   On her second day she worked with a doc who the the nurses call Dr. D!$&.  And he was cursing and talking mean to the Cheif scribe.  

Her first two days were filled with more drama than my last 5 months.  I am totally blessed that my bad days were nothing like that. 

Hmm. Ok. So dinner and reading happened between now and that last sentence.  I don't know what else I was going to say.  But I think the above was plenty.  Overall today ended up being a pretty decent day, and things aren't as bad as they seem sometime.  

Saturday, July 13, 2013


So I spent half the morning putting in brain terminology and explanations into for my test on Monday only to go take a picture of a diagram in the and return to find them NOT THERE....  I was so freaking frustrated.   And I was putting them in on my iPad so I had some carpel tunnel going on also.   

So needless to say I won't be redoing them.  I am just going to use the other 3 chapters I have on there and my book.  

This class is going to be a challenge.   There is a lot of information to fit in and they don't have the "fill in" notes that the other teaches had this summer so you don't get that familiar with the notes during the lecture.  You just basically follow along.   I also don't have a study group. A girl from class took a few numbers and was supposed to text with some study times.   I never got a text needless to say.   

I also loose a study day.  Someone text me to ask me to help with a shift.  I should have declined but I felt bad.  I really hate when I get called or a text.   It's like if you posted on the web and I didn't take it, I don't really want it.  

And I know that sounds mean and selfish, but I end up taking shifts that I shouldn't.   But in the more positive note maybe they will be more willing to help me out if I need it in the future.  

Well I'm about to check out Grown Ups 2 with my little one.   I was hoping she would have chosen Despicable Me 2 instead.   :) 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

What happened to my awesome day???

So I think I got a little too bragy yesterday.    Ended up having a ruff day at work, I worked with a doc I only worked with once on one of my training shifts 5+ months ago and I had Chief Scribe watching my shoulder for a random audit.   They were both very nice, and I didn't have any major problems.  I did have a couple of miss-types, but it stresses me out when someone is staring over my shoulder.  

Then in class today, we didn't have the teacher from yesterday. It was a different person with a strong accent, and who talked really fast.   So I had a bit more trouble remaining engaged.

All in all, those are very small issues. I just need to make sure I am read up before class, so I can have a better idea of whats going on.   I did do a quick outline before class and that helped.

 I think instead of writing separate notes in word and the pdfs. I am going to read and fill out some flash cards.  That way I can have it available to study during breaks at work and random places.

 I need to write down my updated plan, but I gotta get some reading done.   But i am off for the next couple of days. I will get it done soon.   

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Good Stuff

So Brain and Behavior started today, and  so far I am absolutely loving it.   I love the material and the main guy who does the lectures (class taught by 3 Phd students) is a former systems engineer from EDS.  I talked to him for a few minutes during the break.  We kind of had a similar thought process on the transition so that was cool.  

Second good stuff is I am eating some awesome Tourchey Taco queso since I had a couple minutes between class and work. 
I actually brought my BB txt into read, but between the blues music playing and scuffing down corn chips and queso I have not made much progress.   So I just decided to blog. (Because that's productive).  Lol.  

Anywho a quick back track to the student teacher.  His area of research right now is the impact of nutrition on fetal development.    It sounds so awesome I wanted to ask if they have any volunteer opportunities in their lab, but figured I may ease into that later. 

I wish I had started my science career from the beginning (for many reasons) but in context to this i would have liked to spent some time in research and possibly do a MD/PHd tract.   I have heard varying comments on it but I would love to do a little research, a little teaching, a little pt care and a little outreach.    That would be ideal.   I may still be able to make it workout, who knows.    

Well I got get my but to work.  :)
Until next time.  

Monday, July 8, 2013

Man... im tired

So...   I worked 5 straight 6pm - 4am shifts this week, and then had my Biostats final this morning on 3 hrs. off sleep.  I have to admit I feel a bit drained.

However I am proud of myself because I still went to all my Hip Hop workout classes including the one tonight.

And.. I got a 98 on my final and  a 96 in the class for the semester.   

Brain and behavior starts tomorrow :)   Looks like there is going to be a lot of reading, the print in this book is sooooo small. 

This summer is really flying by.

I got my brain and behavior book from  It's in really good shape, I got it in a pretty good time frame, and looks pretty easy to return.   So far I am satisfied. 

Also my fave doc offered to give me a LOR.  I was supper exited about that.  Now I just need to try and find another professor LOR. 

i think i am finished for the day... going to watch some Warehouse 13 and go to sleep.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Scribe Envy!

So first off today we had a little food party for the 4th of July.  I brought white truffle Mac and Cheese that I made for the first time.   Everyone who tried it seemed to like it.  So that was pretty awesome.   Looks like I have a new Thanksgiving dish.   Although it is a bit expensive that white sharp cheddar is a little more pricey than the orange cheddar. 


So I decided to make a confession tonight. 

I am working with my Fave doc tonight and one of the newer scribes (new to our hospital, but previous scribe somewhere else) comes in to the area we are working in.  And everyone just starts chatting and laughing with him like they are old friends.  And I have noticed all the other docs even the "hard" ones all chill and chat with him like they are Besties!
He is a nice guy and even complimented me in my Mac and cheese.   So I'm sure his fan fair is well deserved.   But I have to admit I am a little bit envious of his magic.   I guess I have never been the person that everyone loves or chats if up with so easily, I feel like I have to work hard for it.   

I don't know.   I don't wish he wasn't cool, I just wish I was.  

My brother has that "thing" were he just makes friends with anyone and he spends 5 mins with them and then they ask about him every time they see me. Lol

Ok. That's all I got.   We may go home Early so that's pretty cool.  

Happy 4th of July!!!

So while trying to fit in a bit of studying for my final on Monday before I head to work, I decided to make a pit stop and jot down some thoughts...

I downloaded the blogger app on my phone so I could make smaller post whenever  a few things came to my mind...  but I have not really been doing that lately.

I had a plan to do it yesterday while waiting for J to get out of dance camp, but one of the moms got all Chatty Kathy with me so I ended up not posting.    So usually I sit outside in the car when I am waiting because:
1. The couple of studios we have danced at don't have the best set up for more than a couple of parents at a time.
2. I would usually rather read, do homework, or watch a TV episode on my phone than have a conversation that will be interesting for the first 2 minutes then slowly dissolves into moms subconsciously (I hope) attempting to one up each other.

So yesterday, I was actually in the studio because this studio that she happens to be taking a camp at has a very nice set up with couches, tables, TVs, and Game systems.  So I went in to do a little studying while I wait.   Then here comes a mom asking me random questions, come to find out she is from the studio we are currently at, and left on bad terms.  Ugh awkward conversation

ANYWHO...  my point, I need to start using my app to jot down small things, instead of trying to fit all I can remember between post into one. 

For today, I think I am going to do random thoughts that have been on mind and then updates.

Random thoughts.
WTH is up with grocery prices, man I go for 1 week of food mostly for the Kid and I am spending like 80 to 90 bucks,  and it still seems like I don't have everything I need.   Sometimes it seems like it would be cheaper to just eat out more.  ( not like super expensive places, but subway and taco bell)

I HATE the mouse pad on laptop,  It never R click or L click when I need it to, and it randomly throws me to various places on the screen when I am typing ( I assume I am grazing it with my thumb) , but I don't want to disable it because it does wore pretty well for scrolling... Ugh

My SPELLING sucks... I guess I was ruined by MS Office and the red underline, but some docs I work with stand over my shoulder when I type and so I don't really get the time to think about what I am writing or look up new med terms/medications really quick on Google and I look like a total dumbA$$!!! 
I need to find some online program to practice.

- work is cool, picked up a couple of extra shifts this month because some of our old scribes are leaving/have left and apparently a new scribe or 2 decided this wasn't going to work out for them, so I decided to take one for the team and pick up a couple where I could.   I don't really want to jeopardize my study time, but I could also use the extra money.
I have not really seen anything really cool or impressive yet, unfortunately I really couldn't actually say if I did... :(

- school is also cool, have my Biostats final on Monday , I have a good chance of maintaining the A. I am trying to fit in a few hours between my weekend shifts to make sure I am comfortable with the material.   
Brain and Behavior starts Tuesday, looking forward to that.  I am hoping my book gets here on time.  I checked the delivery status and apparently it made it to the local USPS yesterday.  I should definitely have it by Tuesday.

I guess that's enough for today...