Monday, April 15, 2013


School -  So... i registered for class at like 6:30 this morning and was able to get the 3 classes I wanted for the summer.  Also I am going to be able to get a bit of financial aid.  It won't totally cover everything but it is going to make a good dent.

Work -  Going ok. I worked all weekend, 2 of the days I worked with a really awesome doc, who had me laughing most of the shift.  She was really fast, but not super chart crazy.  Also the shifts were in ED Lite so we see a lot of the same things over and over.  I think we averaged about 45-50+ pts each night. (9hrs).

Also a position at corporate office came up for a part time Scribe U coordinator and Part time Scribe, which would average a little over 40 hours per week.  I applied for it because that would be awesome.  I have been looking for some additional work to help fill the gap, but its really hard to find something that will fit into the flexibility I need.   I also applied for a couple of on-campus jobs, since I got approved for a some work study in the fall.  They tend to be pretty flexible, and since I have to go up there every day of the week for summer class, it may work out.  May even be able to do all 3 jobs. :) Lord knows i need it.

"The Plan"  - mostly in progress with school and scribe.  MCAT study is still lacking, I have decided I am no longer shooting for May date. Probably going to go for August.  Also thinking about going for the 1 year Certificate of Bio-medical Science at TCOM before applying early decision to there med school.  Just so i can prove to myself and to adcom that I am not a risk, and I can be successful at the classes.  Its going to put me back a year, but I have read a couple articles that say the graduates of this program do better in the medical school program than their counter parts.

My Rug rat -  Doing well, still driving me a bit crazy.  But I guess that's what kids do

Life -  Nothing to report unfortunately.

Ok, i am starting to get sleepy, and silly me waited until almost noon to try and take a nap. It will be time to go get J before i know it. O well it is what it is.

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