Saturday, April 27, 2013

What to do when I Grow up???

Just took a personality quiz on to see what my specialty should be..

I was pretty surprised by the results...  So I figured I should save this, to compare to the actual results in a few years... :)

Radiology - Radiation Oncology 82% Personality Match
Internal Medicine - Endocrinology and Metabolism 78% Personality Match
Internal Medicine - Gastroenterology 77% Personality Match
Preventative Medicine - Occupational 77% Personality Match
Medical Genetics 77% Personality Match
Internal Medicine - Hematology 76% Personality Match
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 76% Personality Match
Emergency Medicine 76% Personality Match
Internal Medicine - Medical Oncology 74% Personality Match
Radiology - Diagnostic 74% Personality Match
Pediatrics 74% Personality Match
Dermatology 74% Personality Match
Colon and Rectal Surgery 74% Personality Match
Urology 73% Personality Match
Thoracic Surgery 73% Personality Match
Pathology 73% Personality Match
Surgery - General 72% Personality Match
Internal Medicine 72% Personality Match
Obstetrics and Gynecology 71% Personality Match
Internal Medicine - Infectious Diseases 70% Personality Match
Internal Medicine - Cardiology 70% Personality Match
Psychiatry 70% Personality Match
Plastic Surgery 70% Personality Match
Orthopaedic Surgery 70% Personality Match
Internal Medicine - Pulmonary Disease 68% Personality Match
Internal Medicine - Nephrology 68% Personality Match
Preventative Medicine - Public Health and General 68% Personality Match
Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery 68% Personality Match
Anesthesiology 68% Personality Match
Internal Medicine - Rheumatology 67% Personality Match
Ophthalmology 67% Personality Match
Neurology 67% Personality Match
Nuclear Medicine 66% Personality Match
Neurological Surgery 66% Personality Match
Allergy and Immunology 66% Personality Match
Family Medicine 65% Personality Match
Preventative Medicine - Aerospace 63% Personality Match

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Well that sucks...

So I just woke up after 4 hrs of sleep after working a 9p-7a to get ready for my interview. In the middle of curling my hair I decide to check my email (who knows why). During my scrolling I find a an email telling me the position has already been filled, thanks for my interest.

I almost cried. For some reason I thought that position was really going to pull things together for me, and be one of those small things that kind of gave me the nudge that things were going to be alright.

Also I, probably won't get back to sleep before I have to go get J's new tap shoes and pick her up from school, then head back to work.

Argh... I feel like I have been whining to much lately.

On a positive note, I had a pretty good study day yesterday and plan on doing as much as I can in he hour between dropping J off and going to work.

Also last night was my 30 day evaluation and I think my physician gave me a good review, which means I should have a raise coming my way.

Ok so I am going to try and sleep for an hour.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Im Sleepy...

Man I am sooo sleepy,  I have been on night shifts for most this last month. So I have had a hard time going to sleep at night, but wanting to sleep all day.  Well these past two days a girl at work asked me to take her 6a-4p shift.  And I tell you what I will be sleeping good tonight..

anywho... on to the regular scheduled program.

School - 
not a lot different here, registered for the summer, for some reason, cant order my parking pass online, but I guess I will work that in a couple of weeks, when I decide to go up there and get my ID redone.

I applied for a couple of on-campus jobs, to collect my work-study I was granted.  I wont have enough Financial aid to cover everything so I will need to get my hustle on.

I also need to go up there to the bookstore and find out what books I need. I don't know why they don't make that available online, I guess so you have to go buy them from the book store.  I am going to look into renting them online or seeing if there are any e-books available.  I have to find a way to cut some corners on these cost.

Work -
This continues to be a freaking roller coaster. Some days are way better than others.  Today happened to be a good day.  I worked with a pretty well organized doctor, and he had transport pager today so we were kind of slow. Also apparently Sunday mornings tend to be some of the slower times in the ED.  So there was not a lot of urgency in charting today.

Also he had a med student on their final Peds rotation.  She was very nice and encouraged me to ask her questions about medical school.  She is graduating from our local DO school, which I have an interest in.  She did suggest I really consider if I want to go to a post-bacc, they are time demanding, expensive, and non-forgiving.  You have to perform really really well for them to help you and not hurt you.  She attended one also, and did say they helped her feel more prepared for class and boards.

Now the day before was not so hot, the doc I worked with was very nice, and organized, and routine.  But I made a couple of mistakes because I misunderstood him, or forgot to delete a section that was not being used.  He did not jump down my throat or anything. but a freaking nurse called her self "telling on me" by pulling him to the side and asking him has he checked my work because she has had to correct at lest 2 discharge instructions.  And she was whispering, but not really whispering because I was standing right next to him.  So that kind of pissed me off for a lot of the day.  She could have easily said.. hey is this supposed to be this, and I would have been like yes or no.. apologized and then corrected.   But some of those chics, just have sour demeanors when it comes to the scribes, and I fail to understand why.  I have done nothing but be courteous and try to do my job to the best of my ability.  Some wont even have the decency to give you eye contact.  and they snatch things out of your hand...  I am just like I am to OLD for this crap.  you can show some respect like I show you.  But I cant say anything... u know.. it messes with my job, which messes with my end goal.. And I cant let them do that. I need to find a way to not personalize and identify it as their loss, but really I just want to say something...  :)
Oh well.. wont be the last time I'm sure...  I heard in adult hospitals its even worse.

"The Plan"
Not a lot of change here.  Starting my MCAT study again. I think I just need to go ahead and register for a test date, to force me to be more consistent with my study.
May think really heard about the post bacc considering the input I got to day, but it is not off the table.  Just something to think about. I still want to have a meeting with the school to go over my last application to see what I can improve for next year.

My Rug rat -
still working my nerves... and still lazy...  trying to find the right mix of personal responsibility and me being on her about every homework assignment, every chore, taking her meds, getting her dance stuff together.  Just things she should be old enough to do on her own.  she drives me crazy...

Life -
uggh... this is sucking kind of..  just got my car out the shop after 2 and half weeks for transmission.  I spent more on rental car, then my final fee after my after market warranty was applied..  so that really kicked a big nasty hole in my budget.  So that's kind of stressful.  I have to finish paying for Jordyn's Joffery summer program at the end of the month and that's kind of where I got the money from...  Soooo that kind of sucks.. lol.

I have been reading a lot, which is not a very good thing because I could be using that time to study.   I need to make better use of my time by being more active,  and getting out more.

Ok.. I'm falling asleep, I gotta get this taken care of, before school starts.

Monday, April 15, 2013


School -  So... i registered for class at like 6:30 this morning and was able to get the 3 classes I wanted for the summer.  Also I am going to be able to get a bit of financial aid.  It won't totally cover everything but it is going to make a good dent.

Work -  Going ok. I worked all weekend, 2 of the days I worked with a really awesome doc, who had me laughing most of the shift.  She was really fast, but not super chart crazy.  Also the shifts were in ED Lite so we see a lot of the same things over and over.  I think we averaged about 45-50+ pts each night. (9hrs).

Also a position at corporate office came up for a part time Scribe U coordinator and Part time Scribe, which would average a little over 40 hours per week.  I applied for it because that would be awesome.  I have been looking for some additional work to help fill the gap, but its really hard to find something that will fit into the flexibility I need.   I also applied for a couple of on-campus jobs, since I got approved for a some work study in the fall.  They tend to be pretty flexible, and since I have to go up there every day of the week for summer class, it may work out.  May even be able to do all 3 jobs. :) Lord knows i need it.

"The Plan"  - mostly in progress with school and scribe.  MCAT study is still lacking, I have decided I am no longer shooting for May date. Probably going to go for August.  Also thinking about going for the 1 year Certificate of Bio-medical Science at TCOM before applying early decision to there med school.  Just so i can prove to myself and to adcom that I am not a risk, and I can be successful at the classes.  Its going to put me back a year, but I have read a couple articles that say the graduates of this program do better in the medical school program than their counter parts.

My Rug rat -  Doing well, still driving me a bit crazy.  But I guess that's what kids do

Life -  Nothing to report unfortunately.

Ok, i am starting to get sleepy, and silly me waited until almost noon to try and take a nap. It will be time to go get J before i know it. O well it is what it is.

Monday, April 8, 2013

So its been about a week I think,  I have not had a lot to new to really document. 

School -  no big change here, still waiting on 4/15 to register for classes.  I think I will be glad when these start up, I can feel like I am accomplishing something.

Work -  starting to get the groove of things, still need to work on learning more of the terms, but I just haven't really.  I look online but there are just SOOO many its a bit of a challenge to try and anticipate which I should really focus on.

"The Plan"  - so far mostly on track, everything but the MCAT study plan. I am starting over AGAIN today.  I have to be more discipline about this.  I should have gotten a good 8 weeks in before classes started, now I only have 4...

Also I think I am going to aim to apply to TCOMs MS Biomedical science 1 year program in December.  I think it would really help to prove to myself and admissions committees that I can succeed in their program.   My ultimate goal would be, to go to TCOM, and they usually take a percentage of those students in their next years class.

I will call for an appointment next month, to talk about my application for a couple of years ago, and find out what I can do to improve my chances.

My Rug rat -
She just turned 11 last week.
Got her registered for Joffery and turned in some of her registration papers for school next year.  Also found out, she was picked off lottery for this School of Innovation here in our city.  So she basically has 3 choices of school.  its a bit stressful to know what the right choice is,  I am pretty sure she wont go to the science academy, but I needed options.

Life -
still trying to decide what I am going to do to help supplement income.  I am afraid to start something, that I cant finish when its time to start classes.  I will not sacrifice my grades, because if  do that makes everything fore not.

I was thinking maybe some housekeeping, since its probably the most flexible.  but then should I do it myself or work for a company.
Also found this U-Haul registration that is a work from home thing, but im not sure of the pay and I hate call center type work.   Had my share 1st go round I college.

but I have to do something pretty quick... Im running out of my reserve funds, and the bills keep coming....

man I can not keep my eyes open.. I guess a nap, then study,