Tomorrow is the final day of my internal medicine foundations rotation. It was interesting to start seeing patients, taking histories, doing exams. I really enjoyed applying my limited knowledge. There is still sooooo much to learn. I am looking forward to going home to see my baby girl for the holidays. "baby girl" is a bit of an misnomer. She is a teenager now that is driving and thinking she knows it all.
I really want to start back to jotting down my thoughts more often. I actually came across a blog that i was writing a long time ago and it was interesting to read it but i kind of want to delete it because for the past year or so there have been some post on there that were not from me. I cant figure out how to get rid of it yet but i bring it up to say its interesting to kind of see the progress of things.
It goes back to 2004 and me starting to take my pre-reqs and all my other life challenges. Its nice to think of how far i have come even though it has taken a VERY long time.