Thursday, December 21, 2017

Slowly Moving along

Tomorrow is the final day of my internal medicine foundations rotation.   It was interesting to start seeing patients, taking histories, doing exams.    I really enjoyed applying my limited knowledge.   There is still sooooo much to learn.   I am looking forward to going home to see my baby girl for the holidays.   "baby girl" is a bit of an misnomer.  She is a teenager now that is driving and thinking she knows it all. 

I really want to start back to jotting down my thoughts more often.  I actually came across a blog that i was writing a long time ago and it was interesting to read it but i kind of want to delete it because for the past year or so there have been some post on there that were not from me.  I cant figure out how to get rid of it yet but i bring it up to say its interesting to kind of see the progress of things.

It goes back to 2004 and me starting to take my pre-reqs and all my other life challenges.  Its nice to think of how far i have come even though it has taken a VERY long time.

Thursday, October 12, 2017


Finally feeling like I am making some progress.   I take my Step 1 at the end of the month and will be going to Florida for six weeks for Internal Medicine Foundations in November. 

I have been working full time to make a little money and I think it is going to have a major impact on my step score.   Unfortunately I had to do it.   

My kids doing pretty good 10th grade now and moved to a school that she really likes.  Also made the Elite dance team this year so she is pretty happy.  I have really enjoyed being home with her for the past few months.  

Been struggling on deciding between making her come with me or let her stay in an environment where she is really thriving.    Going to definetly let her finish the school year here.    We will figure out the next step once I find out where i will be rotating.  

I'm really excited to be moving into 3rd year and clinical medicine.   I feel like I can do well with application and hands on learning.    However I am nerves about the "pimping" and competition.   I just want to learn work hard and grow.   But I know there will always be a bit of politics to be played.    Hopefully showing up early, leaving late , and always being willing to do my part and maybe a lil extra when it's needed will be enough to do well. 

Anywho not much more going on.  Just trying to keep pushing forward and make some progress. 

Friday, March 24, 2017

Count down

Well heading into the last 3 weeks of the semester.    Kind of stressful.  Especially today I need to be studying but I'm just feeling pretty down and can't concentrate.   So I am just going to lay here for a bit get my mind together and then get back at it.  

Since I am an IMG i have to register with the ECFMG to take the step 1 and pay for it.  Besides making a big dent in my very anorexic bank account it was very exciting and scary.   So close to the next step of this journey but there are still things to get done before that. 

Pass the semester 
Pass COMP (NBME exam) we have to pass before our school lets us take the step.   We get 2 weeks after the final to study for it.   
And then after that take step 1 and get a decent score so I can apply to the residency of choice.  

And after that it's moving to Florida for 6 weeks and then off to who knows where for the next 2 years...    

Like I said exciting but scary.  But I'm lucky to have this opportinity and I don't want to mess it up.  

The rest of life has been moderate.  I have neglected gym time for study and a few extra minutes of sleep or doing nothing.   I kind of don't have the capacity to care about that anymore even though I know it's important.     At this time I have to pick my battles.  

My little one is doing well. Actually not very little she will be 15 in a few days.   I love that she is doing so well without me but then it's kind of like she is doing just fine without me. 😕.  

Anywho.   If anyone happens to read this I hope you have a good day. 😊

Friday, January 27, 2017

Last Semester!!!!


So we are just finishing up week 3 of my final semester here on the island.  It has been a bit of a challenge to not procrastinate.   This semester we have Tuesday & Thursday off for hospital visits, Simulations, and other stuff.   So it appears to be a lot of "free time" , but that is so not the case.   Along with all the studying needed for our minis  we have to prepare for our COMP which a comprehensive NBME final we take before we take STEP 1.  

I have found that I have to stay busy.  So I have a few extra responsibilities this semester. 

Vice President of Finance for Phi Delta Epsilon
Student Government Information Technology Chair
End of Semester Banquet Committee. 

In reality they don't take up much time maybe 4-6 hours a week, but the urgency and drive to keep everything done helps me stay focused.  

I am also ( like every semester)  trying to work on being more consistent on going to the gym and taking care of myself.   I am also on an initiative to "Love Myself".  I know super cheezy.  But its important for me.  Without getting to sappy, I think I have always compared myself to others.  And I want to just be happy with who I am, while also working to improve things for myself not for anyone else... 

I am going to start being more active on my Instagram @NyWood79 maybe post some videos and stuff.  

My little one is doing great!  She has been making great grades in high school.  (where does the time go).  Dance season is about to start up.  She was really excited because she got to get a solo choreographed by a guest choreographer.    Super Proud of her... 

Well I guess I should get back to work.  I am way behind on completing UWorld round 1 by end of the semester.  

See you later alligator.