Wednesday, November 18, 2015
So as I take a little break for learning thought I would jot down some random thoughts.
I have been in medical school a whole 3 months... Its amazing how much you can take in such a short amount of time.
Random comments to those interested in medicine.
- make sure this is really what you want to do.
- it takes a lot of your time.
- if you thought pre-med took a bunch of your time, wait till you go to medical school, then residency, then practice.... Its a life long journey.
- make sure you start working on your morals, integrity, and professionalism.
- you don't to work hard your first year or two in medschool and then get kicked out for something stupid.
- you don't want to bust your but through school, clerkship, and residency and then loose your license due to something stupid.
- during one of our Ethics classes teacher pulled up websites from multiple states of Doctor's who were suspended or loss their license due to stupid choices like
- relationships with patients
- grossly prescribing medications
- getting caught in inappropriate behavior even outside of work...
- being impaired on the job
-- its definitely worth checking out..
- Get used to studying...
- it never stops.
- test after test after test...
- if you are studying for the MCAT and find that you are having trouble. Try and figure out what your pitfall is, because you will be taking standardize test FOREVER....
is it focus, time management, anxiety, fear, procrastination, the medium in which you are learning material. FIGURE IT OUT NOW.... you don't want to struggle with that while trying to learn all this dang material.
-- I found that I have to supplement my lectures with short videos that give me a broad overview. Or go into detail on a complex topic. I found that if there is a hole in a concept in my mind I cant really wrap mind around everything else that I am trying to learn.
I also kind of don't get as much from reading as I do from watching & listening. So videos tend to help me lay the foundation in my brain.
I also prefer to learn the material, rather than memorize, but you don't always have time for that. I really have to work on my memorizing techniques.
anywhoo.. back to work..
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Heading toward the Home Stretch
apparently I will be starting every entry off with "its been a while" , but it has been a while.
Things are going okay. We had our 3rd Mini about a week ago, unfortunately my performance on that was not was I had hoped. I actually thought I studied pretty hard on that. But my wifi was out at home for about 2 weeks so I had to study at school. I think I "went over" a lot of material but did not really ingest any. I didn't do the thing at home where I talk to an imaginary person about the objectives.
On a more positive note I felt pretty good about the anatomy practical we had on Monday.
We have six more weeks of school left and it is going to be HELL on Wheels...
we have 5 weeks of dense material
Mini 4 - December 7th
MicroAnatomy/Histolgy Practical - December 10th
Anatomy Practical 3 - December 11th
Semester Final - December 15th
My mind is crazy right now... Those four exams make up 50% of our grade.
I am trying to stay on top of all the material each week.
I am trying to review each weekend like I am going to take a test on that material on Monday.
I need to work in more time to look over old stuff for the final & review histology from earlier in the semester.
People do this and make great grades so I know its not impossible. I just need to find what works for me.
Life on the island is still the same.
I am sooooooo looking forward to going home.
I want to
drive a car
eat some chipotle
go to a movie
watch a SHIT LOAD of TV.....
I have been considering moving to a nicer place closer to campus. However the prices are basically double or triple what I am paying right now. Even though it is doable, I will have fewer resources for my kid back home, and they have competition coming up so I have to be able to pay for that.
Luckily she is in way fewer numbers than usual so it will be pretty affordable. But she still needs things here and there. I dont know...
I was supposed to submit a letter of intent back in October if I wanted to move by next semester. So if I do decided to move it will have to be a mid semester move.
Or I could just do another semester here.
my daughter is doing pretty well. She is very happy where she is.
There have been a couple of "teenage" bumps, but they were nothing too big.
I miss her like crazy, but I think it is very good that she has had to learn to be more responsible.
I didnt realize how much I took care of everything. I don't think she did either.
I think this is really helping to build a very smart, strong, and capable young lady.
Okay... I guess that's about it.
Also today is Veteran's Day. So if anyone who happens to be reading this has answered the call to serve.
Thank you for your service!
apparently I will be starting every entry off with "its been a while" , but it has been a while.
Things are going okay. We had our 3rd Mini about a week ago, unfortunately my performance on that was not was I had hoped. I actually thought I studied pretty hard on that. But my wifi was out at home for about 2 weeks so I had to study at school. I think I "went over" a lot of material but did not really ingest any. I didn't do the thing at home where I talk to an imaginary person about the objectives.
On a more positive note I felt pretty good about the anatomy practical we had on Monday.
We have six more weeks of school left and it is going to be HELL on Wheels...
we have 5 weeks of dense material
Mini 4 - December 7th
MicroAnatomy/Histolgy Practical - December 10th
Anatomy Practical 3 - December 11th
Semester Final - December 15th
My mind is crazy right now... Those four exams make up 50% of our grade.
I am trying to stay on top of all the material each week.
I am trying to review each weekend like I am going to take a test on that material on Monday.
I need to work in more time to look over old stuff for the final & review histology from earlier in the semester.
People do this and make great grades so I know its not impossible. I just need to find what works for me.
Life on the island is still the same.
I am sooooooo looking forward to going home.
I want to
drive a car
eat some chipotle
go to a movie
watch a SHIT LOAD of TV.....
I have been considering moving to a nicer place closer to campus. However the prices are basically double or triple what I am paying right now. Even though it is doable, I will have fewer resources for my kid back home, and they have competition coming up so I have to be able to pay for that.
Luckily she is in way fewer numbers than usual so it will be pretty affordable. But she still needs things here and there. I dont know...
I was supposed to submit a letter of intent back in October if I wanted to move by next semester. So if I do decided to move it will have to be a mid semester move.
Or I could just do another semester here.
my daughter is doing pretty well. She is very happy where she is.
There have been a couple of "teenage" bumps, but they were nothing too big.
I miss her like crazy, but I think it is very good that she has had to learn to be more responsible.
I didnt realize how much I took care of everything. I don't think she did either.
I think this is really helping to build a very smart, strong, and capable young lady.
Okay... I guess that's about it.
Also today is Veteran's Day. So if anyone who happens to be reading this has answered the call to serve.
Thank you for your service!

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