Saturday, August 31, 2013

What's the Haps...

--------------------------     School  ---------------------------


So far things are for the most part ok here.  I have gotten a bit behind due to having  6 shifts this week.  (but 1 the week before WTF)
My initial thoughts on the classes
Micro: the teacher is a bit of a Smart A__ , but I believe if I stay on top of my outside reading, and do some quizzes or some type of refresher after each week, then I have the potential to do well in the class.
We start Lab next Monday, no thoughts on that yet.
Health Psychology: appears very doable on the surface, as long as I go to class and read.  But with most psychology type classes there is a bit of subjective or applicable thought process.  So I have to just stay sharp and catch the little things.   However there is a few opportunities for extra credit that I would like to take advantage of, they are mostly service learning, so my availability and work schedule play a big roll in that.
Genomics: so this class is a bit tricky.  I went in thinking it was going to be a difficult class, but then the 2 professors are very laid back and were like the book is optional, just focus on the slides and extra reading.   So on the first homework at a glance it looked simple, but when I went to do it, there just felt like there were some pieces missing.
Also the 2 exams are "take home" exams, which once again on the surface seems like a pretty decent set up, but I am not fooled. :)    So I went ahead and rented the eBook and plan on getting in there and reading before next Wednesday.
Cell Physiology: So this teacher is drives me a bit crazy. She tries so hard to be non-traditional in the fact that she just doesn't teach facts, that will be later regurgitated; she kind of just ends up rambling.  And she has said like 100x to ask questions in class instead of by email or dropping by her office, because her and her TA should not be getting emails regarding class topics, homework, etc.  And I can respect that but, its like just don't reply to the email, bring it up in class or something.   And the most important part is when people ask a question in class don't be and A-hole. I mean, its like with every question or response to one of her questions she has to say something that is borderline rude.
She is one of those people where someone one would be like.  "that's just the way she is",  " she is a really good person when u get to know her", "it just comes off that way but she really cares".... ETC..
I hate when people have excuses for someone else not being considerate of others. It just pisses me off.  Its not fair for some people to respect social norms, and others to excuse themselves from it.   I mean I know its apart of life, but I don't have to be ok with it.
anyway... as far as being successful in the class, its basically the same as others.  read material & and take notes before class, layer her random approach on top of the structured book approach.  We have multiple quizzes so I get a chance to asses my competency prior to the midterm and final, and I can adjust as necessary.
Overall, I do not think a 4.0 is out of reach this semester, but I am going to have to work my butt off for it.

--------------------------     Work  ---------------------------

So this situation here is a bit of challenge.   I am a bit concerned the impacts of the variable schedule, and you get what you get type thing going on. ( working 6 shifts one Sat - Sun schedule, then 1 shift the next week) Also the chief scribe and I had a small communication breakdown that almost lead me to just saying THWI.
There was a schedule shift, that did not fit my availability and she has just been a bit "not nice" for lack of better terms, because anything else would be a bit disrespectful. And I don't really appreciate that.  I do my shifts, and only request a trade when absolutely necessary, I have been told I do a good job, by the physicians I work with.  So I don't really see a need for this person to approach me the way they have been.
I am actually ready to resign to be honest.  They pay and the hours are a bit of a challenge and not really incentive to go above and beyond.
** update**
so I was ready to just resign today, but CS txt and it came off first as more of the same, but she expressed her challenges.  And I know she has a very hard situation.  But at the same time my goal in life is not to be a scribe.  And I will do what I have agreed to do, but when taking more impacts my long-term goal then its no longer an advantageous situation for me.
I don't want to just leave her in a lurch, and I wanted to complete my year because that looks better on application than 6 months.   But man it shouldn't have to be this hard.   I think I blame the company more than her. I don't really blame her she is trying to do the best with what she has.  The company is just trying to squeeze every inch of profit from this growing demand.   I don't know.  I will keep from making any immediate rash decisions.    
We eventually worked something out, (which still has me leaving class early) but It works.  I kind of fell like I settled a little bit.  I think because in my previous career I made so many excuses for staying where I was, and excepting a less than perfect situation for myself.   One month at a time. and so far after the update Sept schedule looks good.


--------------------------     The plan  ---------------------------

So this is definitely impacted by the above:
I started my volunteering.  I am at a free clinic for 3 hours on Thursday mornings.  I had a great first shift this week.
- they had Kaplan representative on campus this week, I signed up for the free practice test, but have not went online to register. I am still not sure I can make the investment for the actual class
- one of the students told me a chemistry professor has a winter intersession class where he goes over a high level review of Chem I,II and Ochem I,II.   that would be an awesome class, but its Dec-January, which is a little late to for a January MCAT, and I would have to pay for the class out of pocket which would be the same as a prep class ( maybe a little less), and the chick didn't actually know the course number ( but I am sure I can find that out).  So not sure on this yet.
The two above are major reasons why its so hard to deal with the scribe related drama, I could resign from there, have more time to focus on these two above and making my grades, and just find me a more flexible job, with a higher pay.   But I am trying to be loyal to the program, that could care less about me as a person.   I'm not 21, I have something to do and not a lot of time to do it in.


--------------------------     My Rugrat  ---------------------------

So she is doing ok so far.  She made the Jr. Company at her new school.   So she has some afterschool dance related activity every day except for Sunday (all starting next week!!!)
She will also be auditioning for the Student Choreography Show, which are original dance numbers choreographed by students,  she developed a small group routine with 3 other girls, and I must say its pretty nice.   So hopefully she will be able to make the show.   Even if she does not I think it was a good experience for her.
Even with the increased after school commitment I think she will still be able to stay on top of her grades,  she has some time between classes and they have a homework area at the new studio.  Also I reminded her no TV or electronics till homework is done and room is clean, so she better get as much done before she comes home.  We will see how it goes. :)

--------------------------     Life  ---------------------------

As usually this is filled with the above,  and no major change
Still fighting my battle with healthy eating and exercise.
I have made a couple of friends at school, and I am thinking about joining the Pre Health society at school, I am a bit skeptical because, some pre-meds are pain in the butt.  But who knows I may hear some information I have not heard before or meet some cool people and/or future connections/colleagues

Thursday, August 22, 2013


Already missing summer classes.  There is no where to sit and study.  And I have to park a half mile from the building.   

It's hot outside.  :P

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Fall 2013

Lets get to it shall we.


So Fall Semester starts for me tomorrow...
BIOL 3317-001
GENOMICS (Lecture)
MoWeFr 9:00AM - 9:50AM
BIOL 3301-001
MoWeFr 10:00AM - 10:50AM
BIOL 3444-004
Mo 2:00PM - 4:50PM
BIOL 3444-002
TuTh 12:30PM - 1:50PM
BIOL 4357-001
TuTh 2:00PM - 3:20PM

 I am only taking 14 hours, but they are Jr./Sr. level, and I have to get in MCAT study, work and my little one so I am going to have to work pretty hard.

My Cell Physiology professor came out swinging, her TA sent an email last night that was almost two pages long, and I have a novel, and quiz all due by the end of the first week of class.  Also she wrote her own text books for the class...  And check out this paragraph from the class website...

Stop whining that something wasn't in the text because at least half of the questions will not come directly from the text but will be a problem to solve.  Learn how to make what you have learned useful.   I will tell you ALL you should know about glucose transport proteins but I will ask you what happens to your blood glucose level after you eat a doughnut or a bagel for breakfast. And yes, I do disconnect the dots on purpose, that is how learning works.   Act like adults and get used to how questions are answered and problem solved in “real life” and jobs.

Now I get it, there are a few whiny kids who are a little spoiled and don't want to work for the grade... but dang.. she put it in writing.. LOL...  But to be honest I am kind of excited for the class, I think I am going to learn a lot, and I have read the 1st two chapters of the required book (not the textbook) we have to read, and so far its pretty interesting.


Umm still trying to hang in there. I am looking forward to reaching my year, so I can move on.

I have applied to a few on campus jobs, for during the week, while I am on camps.  So far no hits.

I'm wondering should I remove some things from my resume, because I can't imagine why I am not qualified for an 8$/hr. "office assistant" job.

I just need something flexible, where I can keep a couple shifts a week at the hospital, get in class and studying, and make a little extra change.

ugh... frustrating.

----------------------The Plan--------------------

So the 2014 MCAT schedule still isn't up yet, but for the 2013 the first exam was the 3rd Friday of January, so I am going to assume it will be somewhere around the 3rd week in January.

So I think I am going to go on a 10 week study plan starting in October.  That way I can have enough time to take as many practice test as I can and fix as much as I can before January.

I still did not do any pre-cal prep...  I will start on Monday, between cell phys and Micro lab, and I think on Tue/Thur I am just going to campus after I drop of J at school and just use that as study time.

I think I am going to make a detailed plan tomorrow, and lay out Cal CLEP prep/MCAT study/Class study time.

-----------------------My Rug rat----------------------

She starts school on Monday, and Dance the following week.   If she makes the ballet company at school, she will have dance or dance related activity every day of the week except for Sunday.

She came back from her summer dance camp with a pretty defined 6 pack.. lol.  and going to bed at a decent time and waking up early.   I think they are both slowly fading.. LOL.

She is also eating my pockets inside out very quickly.  Between school supplies, dance supplies, and stuff...  I am going broke way faster than I would like...  ( hence why I need the second job)



 Ugh... nothing much here,  I am in a life long war against eating right and exercise and so far I have lost the last few battles.

I wish I had a morning work out partner for a little accountability.  I keep saying I want to go at like 5 in the morning M-F, because I know I am available then, (even on days where I work 6p-4a).  It works when I am getting off at 4a.  But when I am at home in my warm bed, its SOOOOO HARD to get up.  And I have no motivation to go get on boring gym equipment.
I have considered some of the boot camps or group specialty gyms,  but 100$/month is just not in my price range.

I will figure it out eventually.

hmm... I think that's it...

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Go Shawty It's Your Birthday.

So today is my birthday.  I hit the big 3-4.   Can't believe I am so old.  (I know it's all relative) but still can't believe so much time has passed and I'm still trying to make a place for myself in this world

So anywho.  Not a lot going on

School starts back on Wednesday.  And i still need to study for the calc CLEP test. I am going to start on Monday see if I can take it before the end of September. 

Hmm.  Guess that's all I got.  Think I am going to start a new round of MCAT Study in September.  Pick a day after class to go to library.  I have applied for a few on campus jobs to earn a bit extra money.   

My little one starts school a week from Monday.  She is mostly ready. I still need to hem up her uniforms. But I think the rest is done.  

So I guess basically just waiting for September.  That's when things get real. Working.  Full time class. Dance. MCAT. Life.  

Well my pizza order is up.  I'm out.  :)

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

It's official.

They finally posted grades for the last test.  I got another A, which means I don't have to take the final and I get an A in the class!!!  

So three A's this semester. I'm hoping to maintain that trend throughout the fall and spring.  

I'm celebrating with a movie checking out the new Percy Jackson movie. 

My little one is out of town so I have some free time.  I plan to get ready to take the pre-cal prep before class starts in Fall. 

Ok. So typing this is interfering with my popcorn eating.  Gotta run.